Not possible to install WinCC Unified locked by WinCCprofessional (not installed)

    • #92919

      costea88 Июль 17, 2023 1:28

      Hi, all I have some problems with the installation of WinCC Unified.
      When I try to install it, the software tells that it is not possible to install WinCC Unified because it is locked by another version of Simatic WinCC Professional, even if no version of WinCC Professional is installed.
      Can anyone tell me what to do in this case?

      Answers to FAQs Июль 17, 2023 4:23

      попробуй через Inventory.exe
      C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesSiemensAutomationSiemens Installer Assistant
      там в любой папке
      запускаешь, жмёшь discovery
      находишь wincc правой кнопкой uninstall unit
      жмёшь кнопку uninstall
      не забудь RT удалить тоже

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